今年のSports Dayは台風でいったん延期となり、体育の日にあらためて開催することができました。
1:Opening Ceremony
3:Big Ball Rolling
4:Egg Race
5:London Circuit Race
6:KIS Championship Race
7:Gymnastic Formation
8:Dance : Mickey
9:Dance : Mamma Mia!
10:Closing Ceremony
それぞれのキャンパスで沢山練習を重ねてきたものの、合同練習することなく臨んだ 本番でしたが、生徒たちの素晴らしいパフォーマンス、保護者の皆様のあたたかいご協力と盛り上げのおかげで、たくさんの笑顔であふれる一日になったと感じました。
“I’d like to start off with what I personally think is most important; thank you to all parents, families, students, and fellow staff who came out to make this event such a success! I honestly believe that in all my time at Kitty International School, this was the best event we have had yet. From the daily exercise and training of our students, hard work and dedication of my co-staff, to the attendance and whole-hearted support of our parents, guardians, and families. It was truly a humbling experience that I’m sure none of us will soon forget. The combined comradery and teamwork of both our Tokyo and Yokohama campus’ families and staff were, most assuredly, the type of energy we needed in order to pull off such a grandiose event without fail. And for that, I am ever grateful to have shared this experience with all of you, as it is not for me or Kitty, but for our students and children whom I am thankful for. It is for them that we must work hard for, and give our all…”
Thank you, everyone. – Beau
Thank you to all our parents and students who volunteered to help make this Sports Day such a wonderful success!