Teachers at KIS

Native English-Speaking Teachers at KIS

― Head Campus Officer(HCO), British
Hello! My name is Caryn and I am from the United Kingdom. Every day in my class is a new adventure with lots of new English to learn and practice. I’m happy always happy to help, so feel free to ask if you have any questions about tricky grammar or silly spellings!

― Head Campus Officer(HCO), Australian
Hi Everyone! My name is Nikko and I come from Brisbane, Australia. I came to Tokyo in October, 2013 to study Japanese. I enjoy writing songs, playing the guitar and singing. To relax, I like to cook and in my spare time, I like to design and make clothes. My favorite sport is soccer. I am very excited to be at Kitty Intl. School and am looking forward to meeting you all.

― Instructor, British
I absolutely love working with children—singing, dancing, playing, learning—it’s fun to be a kid!! I strive to create a positive and fun atmosphere for my students so all learners can excel and enjoy themselves.

― Instructor, Australian
Hello! I’m Stephanie and I came from Perth Western Australia! I have many hobbies like playing the piano, the guitar, and singing, I also like to bake and sew my own costumes. I have 4 sisters and 1 brother. My mother is from New Zealand and my father is an Australian, my second mother is from Zambia. I look forward to having fun with everyone at KIS!!

― Instructor, Australian
Hello! I’m Hannah. I moved to Japan from Brisbane, Australia in early 2020. I love to read, bake and be outside having picnics. In my spare time, you could also find me at a museum, art gallery, or a big park. I’m so excited to be at Kitty International School, sharing adventures and learning together in English!

― Instructor, American
Hello! I’m Diane. I was born and raised in Texas. I studied game development in college. My favorite hobby is networking. I stream games in my free time and have been building an online community for myself. I like to explore Japan and eat yakiniku and sushi when I have extra time and money. I like to keep myself busy doing many things at one time. Thanks for having me here.

― Instructor

― Instructor, American
Hello! My name is Ed and I am from America, from the state of Massachusetts. I lived just outside Boston. I have lived in Japan for many years and love the people and culture. My hobby is photography and I am looking forward to helping all achieve their best in learning English. Thank you.

― Instructor, Canadian
Hello everyone! My name is Sage and I will be one of the new teachers here at KIS. I enjoy playing video games, seeing new places, and trying new things! Some of my goals are to learn Japanese, get better at cooking, and visit most of Japan. I also hope to provide a fun learning environment for all my students.
Teachers at KIS

― General Kindergarten Principal(GKP)

― President

― School Duties Department (SDD)
― Kindergarten Campus Division (KCD)

― Head Campus Officer (HCO)

― School Manager (SM)

― Instructor
I’ve been living in California with my family for 5 years. During the time thinking about my next career, I decided to be a kindergarten teacher because I loved my kindergarten teacher. I also wanted to use English again; therefore, I chose KIS as my workplace. I hope I am able to work for KIS together with KIS staff, especially when it is time to exercise so I can teach and support children using my dancing skills, and also support the parents as close as family.
Thank you and nice to meet you!

― Instructor
Hi, I’m Berney. I was born and raised in Japan. My grandmother is Chinese American, my grandfather is Filipino and my father is Japanese. So, I am a mix of those nationalities. My father is Japanese but he was raised in America so, at home, we speak in English, and outside like school I speak in Japanese. My hobbies are watch movies and play games.
At KIS I want to support and help to develop their English ability as much as possible, and I want to show them how English is fun and interesting.

― Instructor
Hello! I’m Diana. Nice to meet you! I’m from Tokyo. When I was a student, I went to Australia as an exchange student. I like to go to the beach, watch movies and traveling! I’m happy to be a part of KIS. Let’s spend a good time together in English! Thank you.

Hello! My name is Rita. I am from Tokyo. I enjoy hiking, traveling, and reading books. When I was a college student, I lived and studied in England as an exchange student. I am excited to learn English together in a fun and jolly environment. I will always do my best! Thank you.

― Instructor
Hello! My name is Amelie. I’m from Chiba. When I was a high school student, I studied abroad in Australia. Then I got more of an interest in English. My hobby is watching movies. I especially like “The Sound of Music”. If you are interested in movies, we can talk about them. Let’s enjoy studying English together! Thank you.

― Instructor
Hello! My name is Lilian. Nice to meet you! I’m from Hokkaido. I played volleyball from elementary school until college. When I was a university student, I went to Korea to study for 1 year. I like videogames and play well. As members of KIS, let’s have a wonderful time full of smiles with everyone. I’m still studying English. Let’s know about the fun of learning English together.

― Instructor
Dearly beloved, Magandang Konnichiwa! I’m Bianca. I was born in the Philippines, and I grew up in Japan. I studied abroad in the Philippines for 4 years! You know what? Jollibee has the best fried chicken in the world! I hope you will try my favorite Filipino food “Maja-blanca” once in the Philippines! I love Japanese culture, dogs, and houseplants. What are your favorite things? Let me know! Nice to meet you and thank you!

― Instructor
Hello everyone!! I’m Vanessa from Magdeburg Germany. For the past 5 years, I’ve called Japan home where I had the privilege of working with a host family. During my time there, I deepened my love for language learning and cross-cultural connections. I’m excited to bring that passion to our classroom. Together, we’ll embark on exciting adventures through storytelling, games, songs, and creative activities, all designed to make learning English a joyful and engaging experience. I can’t wait to get to know everyone and start this journey of discovery and language learning together!

― Company Support Staff

― Company Support Staff
Hello, I’m Sheena. I was raised in Narita, the gateway to Japan. I grew up around many tourists, so I wanted to speak English because English is a global language. I’m usually in the office, but let’s be friends. Thank you!

― Secretary of the School Duties Department (SDD)
こんにちは!私の名前はエルサです。3人の息子の母です。大阪出身で、いまは家族と横浜に住んでいます。わたしたちはアメリカにかつて住んでいて、子どもたちはアメリカの小学校に通っていました。わたしは、日本史にも世界史にも興味があります。外国の歴史や文化を理解するのに、英語が役に立ちます。KISでは、SDD JEDI先生の秘書として、幅広く活動しております。わたしはKISにいてとても幸せです。雰囲気はとても良く、子どもたちはたいへんかわいくて、大好きです!
Hello! My name is Elsa. I’m from Osaka and now I live in Yokohama with my family. We once lived in the U.S. and my children went to an American elementary school. I’m interested in the history of both Japan and other countries. English helps me understand foreign histories and cultures. I’m so happy to join KIS. Its atmosphere is very nice. Kids are so cute!! I love all of them!

― Secretary of the School Duties Department (SDD)
Hi, I’m Chelsey! I studied design at university. My favorite things are drawing, Disney and PIXAR animation, and Japanese comedy. On my days off, I sometimes go to art museums and movie theaters. I think becoming able to speak English increases various choices of my life so I have been studying English. Mainly doing office work, I support KIS. I look forward to having a wonderful time at KIS!

― Instructor
こんにちは、マーティです!私は神戸の出身です。 英語の勉強のためにカナダとイギリスに行ったことがあります。子どもの小学校で、英語ボランティアとして、6年間教えていたことがあります。 いっしょに楽しく、英語を勉強しましょう。
Hello! I’m Marty and I’m from Kobe. I have been to Montreal, Canada and England to study English. I taught English for six years as a volunteer at my child’s elementary school. Let’s enjoy studying English together.

― Instructor
Hello! My name is Annie. I was born and raised in Osaka, but have also lived in Australia and Thailand. I like traveling abroad and watching movies. I want to make many children smile at Kitty Club. Let’s enjoy English together!

― Instructor
Hello. My name is Tyler. I’m from Kanagawa. I have lived in the US and Holland.
I like cooking and the Japanese Tea ceremony (eating Japanese WAGASHI confectionaries).
I have several foreign friends who have children. We learn and help a lot of things from each other and enjoy the difference in language and culture. It’s fun to make friends. Let’s make friends all over the world!

― Instructor
I’m from Aizu in Fukushima prefecture. It is a place very far in the countryside I almost ate bear meat !
My hobby is Japanese Animation and video games. And I like taking bath time. I’m good at singing songs.
My favorite food is sushi and chocolate.

― Instructor
Hello. My name is Carol. I have taught English for 5 years at the English school. I like kids so I really enjoy KIS’s life. My hobby is driving a car, and listening to music. Rock music especially makes me happy!!

― Instructor
Born in Yokohama, raised in Mizonokuchi, I’m a mother of two! I’m also a yoga and pelvic exercise instructor! I like to do research on “TABELOG” to find delicious restaurants, and travel. Please tell me about your recommended shops and places. Anyway, I love kids so much!! I’m still studying English, but I would like to face the challenge with the kids!

― Instructor
Hello! My name is Happy. I like to try things that interest me. Recently, I went to see the northern lights. I like trying the food at various restaurants. When I was in seventh grade, I remember getting autographs from all the members of The Osmonds at the concert and I was very impressed. That’s when I knew I wanted to be able to speak English.

― Instructor
Hello, I’m Jessica. I was born and raised in Oiso, Kanagawa prefecture. My hobbies are playing the ukulele, traveling, and watching baseball games. I’m looking forward to having a good time with the students at KIS.

― Instructor
Hello! My name is Moana. I was born in Gunma. My hobbies are eating, traveling, watching movies, and KARAOKE. I’m good at calligraphy. I like all animals in general. I spent my time with many animals when I was in New Zealand. I think I have a positive personality. I can’t wait to meet you!!

― Instructor
Hello! My name is Glee. I love children. I’m very happy when I am able to support children to have fun and be safe. Also, I like music and I majored in piano. I hope I can grow with children and the teachers at KIS.

― Instructor
Hello, everyone! I’m Cindy. Nice to meet you! I’m originally from Indonesia. When I was 18 years old, I lived in the Netherlands for 8 years. I studied English and worked there. During my time there, I met kind and supportive Janapese people and they taught me Japanese too! In 2015, finally I came to Kyoto, Japan for another study. Although the study was in English, I tried to learn Japanese and its culture in my daily life. Then I met my husband and now we’re blessed with a boy. Being able to speak many languages always brings fortune everywhere I go, but more importantly, it gives me more understanding and closer to the people around the world. I can’t wait to have fun with you in English!

― Instructor
Hello! My name is Cameron. I’m from Tokyo, Japan. My experiences of abroad are studying English in UK, and working in Airline Company of H.K. What I am good at is a communication between various people through language, Art, and sports. What is more, I know very well about Japanese traditional kitchen knives.

― Chairman