各クラスの活動レポートをご紹介しています。英語レッスンや園生活のイメージをしていただけると幸いです。オールイングリッシュの幼稚園や保育園検討の方には、KISキンダガーテンの活動レポートを準備しております。Coming soon!
Holly and Mindy’s Thursday Kids Class
Holly’s Tuesday Kids Class
Good morning! It’s time for another fun morning at a KIS kid’s class! Let’s see what we get up to in this week’s lesson.
Good morning! KISのキッズクラスが始まります。今日はどんなレッスンになるのか見ていきましょう!
10:00 am –
Welcome to KIS! Let’s get ready and say hello to our friends! This is time for us to say goodbye to our parents and have time to play before lesson starts. Remember to show your passport to your teacher so you can get today’s sticker! Satomi completed all of her passport today so she was able to get a special sticker and a brand new passport! Great job Satomi!
午前10時 –
Hello! 朝の支度をして、お友達に朝の挨拶をしてね。ママとはここでさよならして、レッスンが始まるまで好きな遊びをしましょう!Ms.Hollyにレッスンのパスポートを見せるのを忘れないで。そして今日のシールを受け取ってね。Satomiは今日パスポートのシールが全部いっぱいになったので、スペシャルシールをもらって、新しいパスポートになったわね!Great job Satomi! Satomiは大喜び!
10:15 am –
It’s time to clean up our toys. Let’s help each other to make the classroom clean! Everyone works so well together and loves to help their teacher. (Thank you everybody!)
10:20 am –
Let’s sing and dance to our monthly songs! This month we are learning ‘10 Little Indians’ and ‘Ha-Ha This-a-way’. Let’s try to say all the numbers and copy the actions! Today we were pretending to be carpenters, dancers and cowboys. (YEEHAW!)
みんなで今月の歌を歌って踊りましょう!今月の歌は‘10 Little Indians’ と ‘Ha-Ha This-a-way’。一緒に10まで数を数えて、動きをまねしてみて!今日は大工さんとダンサーとカウボーイになりきって!(イェイ!)
10:30am –
It’s now time for circle time. This is where we talk about ourselves and learn this month’s curriculum together. We let the students answer individually to our four main questions: “How are you?” “What’s your name?” “How old are you?” and “Where do you live?”
This week everybody tried very hard to answer in full sentences. “I live in… Tokyo, Japan!”
Nonoka is doing very well and is starting to tell me how old she is; “I am.. 2 years old!!”. Fantastic work (^^)
サークルタイムの時間です。今月のカリキュラムをみんなで一緒に学びましょう。今月はこの4つの質問 “How are you?” “What’s your name?” “How old are you?” and “Where do you live?” に答えましょう。
みんな “I live in… Tokyo, Japan!”というように一生懸命フルセンテンスで答えようと頑張りました!
Nonokaはとてもよくできたわね。“How old are you?”と聞くと、“I am two years old!! ”しっかり答えられました。Fantastic work!
Now it is time to find out what we are learning today! What’s in the box?!
Students: “Show me please!”
“It’s the colour red! R-r-red!”
“Let’s find some red things around the room!”
The children like this game as they can be active as well as find and learn the different colours. Today we learnt the colour ‘purple’ and Sara found lots of purple Halloween bats on the walls and managed to point to each one. “Purple! Purple! Purple bat!”
Colours are fun!
次に、What’s in the box?!の時間です。さあ、箱の中に何が入っているか当ててみましょう。
Kids:Show me please!”
Teacher:“色は赤よ! R-r-red!” 部屋の中にある赤いものを見つけて!
“Purple! Purple! Purple bat!” 色を学ぶことって楽しいね!
This month we are also learning ‘shapes’. This week we focused on the ‘heart’, ‘diamond’ and ‘triangle’. First we try hard learning the new vocabulary and then we can practice them by playing games together. This is a great way to review and have fun at the same time!
“Can you find the ‘triangle’? Can you find the ‘diamond’? Which one is it?”
“What shape do you have Karen?”
Karen: ‘Heart!”
今月は「形」も学びます。今週は‘heart’(ハート), ‘diamond’ (ダイアモンド)and ‘triangle’(三角形)。一緒にこれらの新しい単語を練習するゲームをして、楽しみましょう!
Teacher: “Can you find the ‘triangle’? Can you find the ‘diamond’? Which one is it?” “What shape do you have Karen?”
Karen: ‘Heart!”
11:00am –
Let’s get creative and do some art! This month is Halloween so we are decorating our own Jack-o-Lantern masks.
“May I have a crayon, please? Blue, please!”
We like to help the students ask for things nicely so it becomes natural. Everyone is very polite and they try to use full sentences each time. Nao is doing very well using full sentences to ask for crayons and things such as, “May I have a chair, please? May I come in?” etc. Let’s keep doing our best!
We use art time to review our alphabet and colours by pasting letters and using crayons. We also use clay in class and encourage students to make things related to our monthly curriculum.
“May I have a crayon, please? Blue, please!”
Naoはクレヨンを依頼する時も、物を依頼する時も、“May I have a chair, please? May I come in?” というようにフルセンテンスでとても上手にできました。その調子!!
11:10am – It’s time to slow down now and do some reading! We also use this time to use the toilet.
Today everyone was very good at sharing their favourite books and enjoying their reading time. Sara and Satomi especially enjoy reading and singing to the book ‘Five Little Monkeys’ and usually ask to read it.
“Monkeys, please! Five little monkeys jumping on the bed!”
It’s great to share!
We love looking at colour and animal books too and we often ask questions.
“Is this a cat?”
“No! Rabbit!”
SaraとSatomiは‘Five Little Monkeys’の本を読んだり、歌ったりすることが大好きで、いつもその本を読んでとお願いされます。“Monkeys, please! Five little monkeys jumping on the bed!”
また、色や動物の本を見ることも好きで、よくこんなやりとりをします。“Is this a cat?” “No! Rabbit!”
11:20am –
“Bang on your knees! Hands in the air! Movie time, movie time…… Ssshhh!!” This week our movie was ‘Fairy Tales with Barney’ where we learnt the story of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. We enjoyed pretending to be big giants! (FEE, FI, FO, FUM!)
今週の映画は‘Fairy tales with Barney’ と‘ジャックと豆の木’です。子どもたちは大男の真似をして、映画を楽しんでました。ヒーハイホーハン!
11:30am –
Now let’s ask for a wet tissue and some gel to clean our hands! It’s snack time!
“May I have a tissue, please?” “May I have some gel, please?” “Thank you!”
It is important to practice our ‘please’ and ‘thank you’s’ to be polite. Everyone is getting better at remembering to say thank you to their teacher – let’s keep practicing!. (You’re welcome!) J
Let’s ask for some juice and a snack! Yummy!
“Everybody…… Cheers!”
Let’s ask for water!
“Would you like some water, Karen?”
Karen: “Water please! M-may I have some water, please?”
“I’m finished!”
Great! Let’s wipe our dirty hands ♪
“May I have a tissue, please?” “May I have some gel, please?” “Thank you!”丁寧に ‘please’ と ‘thank you’を練習することは、とても大切です。みんなteacherに“Thank you!”と上手に言えるようになってきてます。
“Everybody…… Cheers!
Karen: “Water please! M-may I have some water, please?”
11:40am –
Everybody quiet, it’s story time! Ssshhhh! What’s the story today?
Today our story was ‘Yum Plays Hide and Seek!’. We followed Yum and his friends as they played hide and seek around the house while it was raining outside.
“Look out of the window! Is it sunny?”
Students: “NO!!”
“No? It’s r-r-rainy!”
Students: “Rainy!!”
今日のお話は‘Yum plays Hide and Seek!’。
“Look out of the window! Is it sunny?”
Kids: “NO!!”
Teacher:“No? It’s r-r-rainy!”
Kids: “Rainy!!
11:50am –
It’s lesson review and song time! Let’s show our parents what we learnt and how well we can sing our songs!
Let’s make a circle and hold hands with our friends for ‘10 Little Indians’.
Everybody, let’s use nice big voices for singing! Nonoka, Karen and Sara especially enjoy the dancing part! Nao and Satomi are fantastic at jumping! Great work everybody J
Phew! What a fun lesson!
Now it’s time to get our bags and sing the ‘Goodbye song’. Our parents look forward to hearing about our great time today!
See you again next time!
今日の復習と歌の時間よ!私たちが今日学んだことと、どんな歌を歌ったかママに教えてあげましょう。丸くなってお友達と手をつないで。みんな、大きな声で、‘10 Little Indians’を歌いましょう。NonokaとKaren とSaraは特に踊るのが楽しいみたいね。NaoとSatomiはすごいジャンプをしてる!みんなすごいわね!
What a fun lesson!
さぁ、自分のバッグを持って、みんなで‘Goodbye song’を歌いましょう!
See you again next time!
Yokohama campus 横浜キャンパス
Futakotamagawa in Summer 2022 夏休み・休園日保育の二子玉川キャンパス
St.Mary’s Swimming Team -Buccaneers- の Head Swim Coach Mr.David MoodieがKISにおいでになりました‼︎

Futakotamagawa in October 2021 10月の二子玉川キャンパス
Hatanodai in January 2021 1月の旗の台スクール
旗の台 Weekend Kinderクラス(年少〜年長)
◆ 1月のカリキュラムはweather&seasons!
What can we wear when it’s snowy?
We can wear a jacket/snow boots/gloves!

◆ 外活動では、チーム戦で行うリレーをやりました!
Pass the baton/Run faster/Go go!

Futakotamagawa in December 2020 12月の二子玉川キャンパス
キンダーからご家庭へのお便り「KITTY KINDERGARTEN NEWS」をご紹介します。
Futakotamagawa in September 2019 9月の二子玉川キャンパス
Yukata Day !! 浴衣を着て納涼祭をしました!
We shared Japanese customs with native teachers!!
Yukata day 盛り上がりました!日本の遊びやおもちゃを紹介しあい、みんなで盆踊りを楽しみました。

By the way, do you know the difference between Yukata and Jinbe?
Now listen to us! We played the Beatles so well!! 2018年音楽会の様子をお伝えします。
Futakotamagawa in July 2019 7月の二子玉川キャンパス
Harvest time !!

Futakotamagawa K3 Kinder students went to Todoroki school today to dig for potatoes and pick vegetables! It was so much fun!!!
Futakotamagawa in May 2019 5月の二子玉川キャンパス
”I can eat everything!!”


Thank you, Mom !!
“It’s secret!!! “,”It’s surprise!!”
Sentence card check time!!
This is a morning routine to learn pronunciation!! Good job!!
Futakotamagawa in March 2019 3月の二子玉川キャンパス
Futakotamagawa in February 2019 2月の二子玉川キャンパス
How to Write a Letter and Mail it.
Wood park で外活動(1)
ジュピターチームは、wood parkへ行ってきました。
Wood park で外活動(2)
ジュピターチームが大好きな外活動の1つ、banana game! をしました。氷オニのようなゲームで、オニにつかまると、バナナのポーズをし、助けてもらえるまで動けません。
マーキュリーチームは、室内でhot potato! ホットポテトゲームを楽しみました。
ポテトが回ってくるとHot! Hot! と言いながら、音楽が止まるのをドキドキ楽しみにしています。
Futakotamagawa in December 12月の二子玉川キャンパス(冬休み)
Futakotamagawa in December 12月の二子玉川キャンパス
12/20 Christmas Show、リハーサルと本番の様子をお伝えします!
Futakotamagawa in November 11月の二子玉川キャンパス
帰り仕度のpack up timeが始まりました。一生懸命に自分の荷物を準備する生徒たちが多く、毎回、感動させられます。
It’s a cooking day today! — ポップコーンを作りました!
さて、cooking を始める前に、まずは材料や機械のチェックから!
Wow! Looks good!!
Futakotamagawa in July 7月の二子玉川キャンパス
Summer Harvest — 夏の収穫
KISのVeggie Gardenが急激に成長をしています!なんとか夏休みに入る前にみんなと野菜を収穫できました。
Pool Time — プールの時間
We enjoyed outside water splashing and inside ball pool.
Present for GHS — 姉妹校GHSへの贈り物
ロンドンにあるKISの姉妹校、Golders Hill School(GHS)をご存知ですか?実はGHSへのプレゼントとして自己紹介カードを書いたり、折り紙アートを作成したりしました。そろそろロンドンに届いている頃かな。
Futakotamagawa in June 6月の二子玉川キャンパス
Let’s make a rice ball ! — おにぎりを作ろう!
During this month’s Cooking Time, we made rice balls all by ourselves!! We rolled freshly steamed rice up until it was big and round!
今月のCooking time は、自分で作るrice ball !! 炊き立てのごはんで、大きなまん丸おにぎりを作りました。
How does it feel ? — どんなさわり心地かな!
We touched lots of different things, learned new expressions, and tried using them: soft, hard, furry, slippery….
The students had fun feeling and learning about different textures.
いろいろなものをさわって、表現を学んで、発表してみました。Soft, hard, furry, slippery …
Futakotamagawa in April 4月の二子玉川キャンパス
- Thursday is Edison Time. 木曜日は、Edison Timeの日。
During this time, the students learn the basics of establishing study habits, and develop their intelligence.
Today, we learned how to organize our school supplies, how to sit in our chairs, and how to write and color.
At the end, the students enjoyed playing with building blocks. Even while having fun, everyone worked very hard.
Edison Timeは、学習習慣を身につける基礎学習や、知能開発の時間です。
In the afternoon lesson 午後のレッスン♪
This afternoon, all students participated in a joint activity. One by one, they stood in front of everyone and gave self-introductions a try.
The older students started us off! A flurry of hands went up into the air as they presented themselves.
The enthusiastic atmosphere they created must have had an effect, as some of the new students began to raise their hands as well.
Many stood on the mini-stage and presented for us.
Even the students who come to school crying change their expressions as the lessons begin, and as the days go by, the time they spend smiling increases.
(Though, the next morning, they arrive crying, saying “I don’t wanna go!” yet again….)
As for the parents and guardians who come to pick up their children, we’ve seen your expressions change from that anxious first day to those of relief
as time goes on. Many of you have said things such as “On the way home, our child keeps saying they had fun. We feel comfortable leaving them with the teachers.
” We’re also relieved to hear that!
Walking to the Flower Park! ”お花の公園”へお散歩!
Today, we went to the park in Seta 5-chome that we call “Flower Park”. The weather was nice, the sky was clear, and the flowers were in full bloom. The teachers’ and students’ smiles also seemed to be in full bloom.
今日は、私たちがFlower parkと呼んでいる瀬田五丁目の公園に行ってきました。
Jupiter’s outside activity (1) ジュピターチームの外活動 (1)
The park that we went to for our outside activity today was about 2 – no, 3 – times further away than our usual park.
Last year, the Jupiter Team practiced walking a little faster, and showed a lot of progress by the end of the year. In comparison, our new students can’t quite keep up with their endurance and leg strength.
Even so, with small steps, swinging their arms as they walked, every one of them made it back to the school without giving up.
(We heard lots of “I am tired…” “I am hungry…”, but not one student said “I cannot walk anymore”!)
Everyone, let’s keep walking a lot and go play!
(I am tired…, I am hungry…, という声はたくさん聞こえましたが、誰も I cannot walk anymore. という生徒はいなかった!)
We had an April birthday party. 四月のbirthday party
This month, everyone is celebrating 3 students’ birthdays.
As is our tradition, we combined our study of the planets with each student’s age, and had fun spinning the earth around the sun, asking how many times it would go around.
Jupiter’s outside activity (2) ジュピターチームの外活動 (2)
When the weather is nice, we have fun doing outside activities every day.
This month, because we have a lot of new students, we’ve started by learning good walking manners. We can see the Jupiter Team students getting stronger as the days go by, and they walked even faster than last week.
April P.E. 四月の体育
For this month’s P.E. activity, we’ve been having fun using our bodies with balance as the theme.
二子玉川キャンパスGaku-Do! ハロウィン・リポート
二子玉川キャンパスGaku-Do! 十月のレポート
Vegetable Harvest
This summer our vegetable garden has yielded a large amount of crops! Goya(Bitter melon), tomatoes, cucumbers, and eggplants…A lot of the vegetables aren’t particularly liked by children, but our Gaku Do! Class ate all of them without complaint!
Fireworks Art
We used the abstract art form, dripping art, to try our hand at making fireworks. Overall, the results were quite beautiful!
二子玉川キャンパスGaku-Do! 九月のレポート
Our science curriculum covers many things related to animals and the various things they need to survive. To your left you can see how we learned about dolphins and how they communicate!
Sea animalのイルカの勉強をしました。イルカは人間と同じ哺乳類ですが、人間と違うところ、同じところを比較しました。また、どんな鳴き声かを学ぶこともできました。
3年生 Mimiさん
二子玉川キャンパスGaku-Do! 七月のレポート
What are we looking forward to in July? The days are going to be hot and humid. Us teachers will probably melt, but the students never lose to the heat! Plus, we will be able to have fun in the water!
For Japan, Tanabata (Star Festival) is July’s big holiday event, so of course we will be doing something for that as well! I hope everyone is ready to make a big wish this year!!!
This time around we made a speech about our families! We used our bodies as well as speaking, and, in the end, Wataru was chosen as the best speaker!!!
“My Family”のスピーチ発表をしました!ただ前に出で話すのではなく、体も使って表現してインターナショナルな発表が出来たのではないでしょうか。終始笑顔で発表し、他の生徒のスピーチも素晴らしい態度で聞いていたWataruくんが今回のベストスピーカーに選ばれました★
Mimi wrote this entire speech without needing any corrections!
Naoya liked the slide because it was scary! Sounds like fun to me, too!
Bubble Art
Bubble art with recycled PET bottles! It’s indescribable how excited the students got with this project! Actually, the teachers did too!
二子玉川キャンパスGaku-Do! 六月のレポート
Welcome back, everyone! Hopefully you were able to relax a bit during your Golden Week. It’s slowly becoming more humid and hotter as the days go by, and we’ll even be entering the rainy season soon. We’ll have to start thinking about what kind of inside activities we can do instead of going outside!
金曜日のスピーチの時間では“My April”のテーマで原稿と絵を描きました★
This month’s theme for speech was “What I Did in April”. Here, Duy talked about his April fool’s joke!
Since the theme for speech was so broad, we got a lot of topics, such as Mii talking about making pancakes!
Calligraphy 習字
Our teacher Skyla is really good at calligraphy, so we had her teach the students how to write properly! We wrote “Spring” once in English, and then again in Japanese.
習字の得意なSkyla先生と日本語・英語のお習字をしました!“Smooth side up” など習字の基本的ルールにも英語で触れました。テーマは”Spring”、皆それぞれ味が出ています★
二子玉川キャンパスGaku-Do! 五月のレポート
Hello! The new year school has already started along with a warm and bright spring. We hope everyone makes a good start this year, too!
Happy Birthday, Lili !
Last month was Lili’s birthday! So we celebrated her along with the Kinder students~ Until recently, students would always ask “What do you like?”, but this time they started using phrases like “Which~” and “Did you~”. They’re growing so much! Wonderful!
先月はLiliちゃんのお誕生日でした★Kinderのお友達にもお祝いされてGaku-doの生徒はKinder生の憧れの的です!恒例の質問タイムでは以前まで「What ○○ do you like?」のセンテンスばかりでしたが、「Which~」「Who~」「Did you~」の様々なフレーズも当たり前のように自然に質問できるように成長しました!!Wonderful!
Sumo Art
世田谷区わんぱく相撲絵コンテストに参加いたしました☆ただ絵を描くだけでなく相撲のルールを学び、実際に体験して大興奮のレッスンになりました。みんなの素晴らしい作品はこちらをご覧ください。KIS Gaku-doからはMimiちゃんとNaoyaくんが入賞致しました!!
先月からSpeechの授業を始めております。ディベートのテーマ “What do you eat for breakfast bread or rice?”では、自分の気持ちを伝えようと奮闘する子ども達の姿がありました。
Doll Festival Special Sushi★
“seaweed”に“fried tofu”などなど様々な食材の名前も覚えました!
KIS学童では改めて道を歩く時のマナーを見直すディスカッションを行いました。様々な意見を出し合いながら自分達でWalking Ruleを作成しました。
英検 受験者全員合格!
今年も受験者全員が英検に合格しました。小学校低学年で5級(中学初級レベル)・4級(中学中級レベル)・3級(中学卒業レベル)まで合格。英検準2級や2級があると中・高・大学でも推薦入試等、うれしいことがいっぱいありますね♪ 高校レベルの学習も楽しみながら取り組むことができるのは、小学生の特権です。
3級Mii K.(小2)
3級Sakutaro N.(小2)
4級Yuse K.(小1)
4級Riei S.(小2)
4級Mimi K.(小3)
5級Yuse K.(小1)

Sabrina先生が例で作った迷信は” wash your hand before you take exam.”
中3のRiko.Mちゃんは”It’s good to eat brown sugar candy for studying and before a lesson.”
という迷信を作り、”because the sugar’s sweetness makes your brain more active and sweet food makes you feel happy so you can study better.”と理由まで説明し、周りの生徒とも会話が盛り上がりました。
(左から留学生Hayatoくんのお父さん・お母さん・妹さん、GHS校長のEglash先生、KIS Jedi先生、GHS前田先生)