子供英会話スクール・幼児教室・キッズ英語・児童英検のキティ♪ (東京 世田谷区、目黒区、品川区)  [English] Preschool/Kindergarten 携帯サイトへ


子供英会話と幼児教室のキティクラブTop 子供英会話と幼児教室のキティ(C) フリーダイヤル 0120-568-185

スタッフ紹介 キティの先生ってどんな人?




ディーモン 伊勢田/Demon Iseda

Senior Manager

I’m from the Shonai area of Yamagata. During Junior High School I met a great English teacher and realized that learning English could be a lot of fun! I think it’s great that Kitty Club students are learning English at a young age.


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ジェダイ 内藤/Jedi Naito

Senior Manager

Hello! My name is Chiho. I like all kinds of things like playing Futsal, and watching soccer on T.V. or in a stadium. .I especially like dogs and cats and also love traveling. .I've been to England, France, different parts of the USA, and Australia. I know I will enjoy studying everything with you all at Kitty Club!


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サマー坂本/Summer Sakamoto

School Manager

Hello!! Nice to meet you! My name is Summer and I’m from Yamanashi. I love children very much. When I was a student I studied English. I majored in teaching English to children.

初めまして、サマーです。専門学校で、児童英語を専攻していました。子どもが大好きなのはもちろんですが、たくさんの子ども達、そしてママ達と出会え、楽しい時間をすごせると思うと、毎日わくわくです!!子ども達への情熱は誰にも負けませんよ!!Big smileサマーがクラスでお待ちしています。

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ドラゴン斉藤/Dragon Saito

School Manager

Hello, nice to meet you! I was born and raised in Tokyo. I learned English at Kitty Club for 9 years. That experience gave me a lot of opportunities in my life. I have been to many countries such as U.S.A., Canada, U.K., France, Germany, Australia, China and Korea. I really look forward to our students becoming internationally minded. Let’s learn English together. It will be fun!

こんにちは。私は東京で生まれ育ちました。私はKitty Clubで9年間英語を学んだ卒業生です。Kitty Clubで学んだ英語と経験は私の人生に大きいな影響を与えてくれました。私はアメリカ、カナダ、イギリス、フランス、ドイツ、オーストラリア、中国、韓国などたくさんの国を旅してきました。私達の生徒達が本当の国際人として世界にはばたいていく姿を見ることが今の私の楽しみです!一緒に世界の扉を開きましょう!すごく楽しいですよ!

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キャシー齊藤/Cathy Saito
School Manager

Hello! I’m from Jyoetsu-shi, Niigata. My parents house is on the seaside. I really enjoy being at the beach. I would like to learn not only English but also about foreign cultures and grow along with the kitty students!

こんにちは。新潟県上越市出身のキャシーです。実家が海のすぐ近くで、海が好きです。夏になると1人で海に入り楽しんでいます。 Kittyの子ども達と英語はもちろん、様々なことを一緒に学んで成長していきたいです!

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ベティ熊谷/Betty Kumagai
School Manager

I’m from Fukushima. My hometown is close to the sea and mountains, so I like nature. I have also lived in USA for two years. That’s why I started studying English. I love English and kids, so I hope you will enjoy the lessons with me.


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ミシェル 佐々木/Michelle Sasaki

School Manager

Hello everyone!My name is Serena. I love Okinawan food. Recently, I have tried surfing and yoga. I went to Saipan in high school for a school trip. And then we visited a kindergarten there. This chance made me interested in English end childcare. I also lived in Canada and it affirmed my career choice. “Knows no borders." It means there is no wall, even though the culture and language is different. I want to make kids to think that "We love to speak English." I will do my best and support them as I can!

こんにちは!沖縄料理が大好きなセリーナです。最近はヨガとサーフィンに挑戦しています。高校の修学旅行でサイパンの幼稚園へ訪れたのがきっかけで、子どもと英語が大好きになりました。その後カナダでの生活で、おもしろい!悔しい!などの経験を得て、日本の子ども達に英語の面白さ、楽しさを伝えていきたいと、強く思いました。 キティの子ども達の「英語大好き!」をあらゆる面から引き出せるよう、全力でサポートしていきます♪

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ジュリー内田/Julie Uchida

School Manager

Hi, I'm Julie! My hobbies are playing piano, traveling around the world, and climbing mountains!! I was in England for two years to work at an international nursery school and now I'm working at Kitty!! I am always surprised that Kitty's children enjoy speaking English, and are learning English quickly. I will share how the children are growing !

こんにちは、ジュリーです! 趣味は小さい頃から習っているピアノ、海外旅行。 登山などアウトドアな活動も好きです!! 二年間イギリスに住み、現地のインターナショナル保育園で働き、キティに来ました。 キティの子どもたちがどんどん英語を吸収してレッスンを楽しんでくれることがとても嬉しいです。 誰よりも元気な声とPOWERで盛り上げていきます!!

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セリーナ 松本/Serena Matsumoto

School Manager

Hello everyone!My name is Serena. I love Okinawan food. Recently, I have tried surfing and yoga. I went to Saipan in high school for a school trip. And then we visited a kindergarten there. This chance made me interested in English end childcare. I also lived in Canada and it affirmed my career choice. “Knows no borders." It means there is no wall, even though the culture and language is different. I want to make kids to think that "We love to speak English." I will do my best and support them as I can!

こんにちは!沖縄料理が大好きなセリーナです。最近はヨガとサーフィンに挑戦しています。高校の修学旅行でサイパンの幼稚園へ訪れたのがきっかけで、子どもと英語が大好きになりました。その後カナダでの生活で、おもしろい!悔しい!などの経験を得て、日本の子ども達に英語の面白さ、楽しさを伝えていきたいと、強く思いました。 キティの子ども達の「英語大好き!」をあらゆる面から引き出せるよう、全力でサポートしていきます♪

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シュガー松田/Sugar Matsuda


Hello! My name is Sugar. I was born and grew up in Nagoya. I have two children and a dog named Kuru. When I was a high school student, I went to America to study English as an exchange student. I've been to countries in both Europe and Asia as well. It's really fun to understand the cultures of other countries. Please use what you have learned here to explore the world and broaden your horizons!


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ミランダ大山/Miranda Ooyama


Hello everyone! I'm Miranda! I was born and raised in Tokyo. I used to spend my childhood reading books. I like gardening and cooking, too. I've been fascinated by teaching children since I obtained a license at university. I am also a parent of a boy and raising him bilingually! I'm excited to talk to children and bring out the best of their abilities! I can't wait to meet new friends at Kitty!

皆さんこんにちは!ミランダです!東京で生まれ育ちました。幼少期はよく読書をして過ごしました。ガーデニングと料理も好きです。大学で教員免許を取得以来、子ども達と一緒に学ぶことにすっかり魅了されています。私はバイリンガルとして育てる男の子を持つ、親でもあります!息子を連れて短期アメリカに滞在して現地で生活しながら、幼児英語教育を学びました。なので、子ども達に話しかけて、最良の能力を引き出すことが楽しみです! キティで新しいお友達に会えるのを楽しみに待っています!

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リリー早坂/Lily Hayasaka


Hi, everyone! I’m Lily. Because I went abroad to study in the United Kingdom, I started to like English a lot. My hobby is dancing! Let’s have fun speaking English and dancing together with me!!


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マーティ満江/Marty Mitsue


Hello! I’m Marty and I’m from Kobe. I have been to Montreal, Canada and England to study English. I taught English for six years as a volunteer at my child’s elementary school. Let’s enjoy studying English together.

こんにちは、マーティです!私は神戸の出身です。 英語の勉強のためにカナダとイギリスに行ったことがあります。子どもの小学校で、英語ボランティアとして、6年間教えていたことがあります。 いっしょに楽しく、英語を勉強しましょう。

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ローズ石川/Rose Ishikawa


Hello! I'm Rose Ishikawa. I was born in Kagawa Prefecture. I'm having a lot of fun teaching students at Kitty International School. I have lived in Hawaii for 17 years due to my husband's business and raised 2 children. My hobbies are yoga and running. I have participated and finished the Honalulu Marathon over 10 times. I always try to do my best! Let's enjoy learning English!!


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Biography coming soon...

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Biography coming soon...

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アニー久貫/Annie Kunugi


Hello! My name is Annie. I was born and raised in Osaka, but have also lived in Australia and Thailand. I like traveling abroad and watching movies. I want to make many children smile at Kitty Club. Let's enjoy English together!


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Hello, I’m Candy!

I am a teacher of the Gaku-Do! Class. When I was the age of Gaku-Do students, I lived in Germany for five years.(from 6 to 11). I traveled to many countries in Europe. I was fascinated by the European culture and its scenic beauty! Now I am a member of Kitty. It is not easy to teach English, but Gaku-Do! Students are bright and cheerful, so I enjoy teaching them. I hope they have a good time at Kitty and will be able to speak English and feel the different cultures.

こんにちは、Candy です。

Gaku-Do! クラスを担当してい ます。 私がGaku-Do の年頃は、5年間ドイツに住んでいました 。(5−11才) ヨーロッパの国々を旅行して、その文化や美しい景観に 魅了されました。今、キティのスタッフとなり、教えることは易しくないですが 、試行錯誤しながらすすんでいます。Gaku-Do! の生徒はみな聡明で明るい子供たちなので 、楽しいです。皆がKitty で楽しく過ごし、英語をマスターし、異文化に 触れていってくれたらと思っています。

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Biography coming soon...

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Biography coming soon...

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エリー/Ellie Katsube


I like playing tennis and drawing pictures. This spring, I started to go to art school. There are many new things I have to learn. Drawing pictures are difficult and fun. Let's play and draw pictures together!


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Teresa Yoshiko


My hobbies are flower arrangement, dressmaking, and playing Indiaka. When I deal with the children of Kitty Club, I can use two styles, kindness or strictness, the same way I raise my own children. I love my students and I take care of them!


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ミスター エム/Mr. M

(本名:斉藤 博)

I established Kitty English Club in 1983 so that any Japanese child would have the opportunity to learn English. Even though it is not always possible, I will try my best. 


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